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  • Where is Blooming Arts House?
    We are located in NW Bakersfield (Rosedale) on Childress St. Because this is a private studio, we do not expose the exact address to the general public. Only parents of a register child are given this address. This provides me and the students more protection. If you need more information, please call us at 661-599-2336. We are less than a mile from Veterans Elementary, Norris Elementary, and Patriot Elementary. We are 1 mile from Frontier High School and 2 miles from American Kids Sports.
  • Class size
    Our usual class size is no more than 12 students. Small classes of 6 or less are considered semi-private and will be available on a limited basis at a higher monthly cost with one instructor. Please contact to arrange a semi-private group class. Camps and Art Night Out class size may be up to 16 with 2 instructors.
  • Age Requirements
    Beginner Art: Age 8 -10 Intermediate Art: Age 10-13 Art Camp: 8-13 Kids Art Night Out: 8-13
  • Drop-Off and Pick up
    Drop-off Please have children enter the studio no more than 5 minutes prior to class. Doors open at 4:25pm. Pick-up Thank you in advance! Most of our parents (98%) meet the 5 to 10 minute window with no problem. We appreciate that! Please call the studio if there is a pick-up issue 661-599-2336. Pick-up Late Charge: A fee of $10 Per 10 minutes will apply starting at 5:55PM An additional fee of $50.00 will apply for a pick-up later than 30 minutes
  • Withdrawal and Refund Policy
    2023 Fall Program (11 Classes): We are confident your children will love our program. If there are any issues or feedback, please share with us. We understand that things do not always work out! If you simply need to switch days or times, we will do our best to make it work. If you need to make a change, notify the studio at 661-599-2336. The Winter 2025 Program is 16 classes. If your child has a conflicting schedule due to the start up of another activity, please let me know in advance. Initial payment and 45.00 materials fee is non-refundable. Parents have 3 classes to withdraw children and cancel all future payments. Withdraw by January 31st to cancel all future payments. Cancellations accepted in writing: Text, in-person or email: or 661-599-2336 Non-refundable: Drop-In Classes: Non-refundable. Supply Fees: Non-refundable Kids Art Night Out: Non-refundable Camps: Non-refundable Blooming Arts House Class Cancellation: Enroll early and tell your friends about our program! Classes not meeting minimum enrollment are cancelled If we cancel, any unused portion you have paid will be fully refunded.
  • Class Make-up Policy
    We will have 2 days during the program whereby children will have make-up time for missed projects or have an opportunity to have a free choice project day. These days are the 6th and 12 week of the program. Children may take project materials home to complete missed work.
  • May I stay with my child during class?
    Come in and say hello! We want to meet you and have a form signed on your first visit. This is a drop-off only class. Once class begins, parents exit the studio. Kids are so excited to surprise parents with their creation after class! This is one of the best parts of our program. Parents are welcome to wait outside or leave if preferred.
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Monday-Friday 9AM-7PM

Text or call: 661-599-2336



Blooming Arts House

Childress Street

Bakersfield CA 93312

(off Old Farm Rd. and Olive Dr.)

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© 2022 Blooming Arts House. All Rights Reserved.

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